Tuesday 3 January 2012

The Unveiling

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The Unveiling

This image I created is depicting the return of Jesus Christ. The unveiling comes from the meaning of the Greek word apokalupsis which is the first word in the book of Revelation in the bible, it can also be interpreted as revelation or revealing. The first line of Revelation says the revelation ( appearing, coming, manifestation, unveiling ) of Jesus Christ. The bright light is Jesus, his face shining like the bright sun ( Revelation 1:16 ). The blue streaks are angels returning with him, accompanying him on his conquest to the earth ( Revelation 19:14-16 ). All the light effects surrounding Jesus is his great power and glory as he returns on the clouds of heaven ( Matthew 24:30 ).
Lord I pray that our eyes will be opened to the unveiling of your Son, Jesus. I ask as people view this image they will be aware of his Kingship and Lordship of Jesus and that when he returns he will remove everything hindering his love. Amen

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